The thomas E. Smith Foundation

About Us.

Our Mission

Making a Difference for Individuals with SCI & Paralysis

The Thomas E. Smith Foundation has become a catalyst for transformative change in the lives of individuals living with spinal cord injury (SCI) and paralysis. We challenge the status quo by developing meaningful programs, investing in groundbreaking research, and advocating for equitable access to care. Rooted in decades of innovative leadership and lived experience of SCI & paralysis, we are committed to dismantling systemic barriers, empowering individuals, and redefining the possibilities for a life without limitations.

A Story of Inspiration and Action

Founded in 2010 by Thomas Smith after his own experience with SCI and paralysis, TESF is driven by a powerful mission. Thomas’ story exemplifies what our core values summarize: resilience, determination, and a desire to create positive change. Realizing the inequitable access to essential equipment and rehabilitation for individuals with SCI and paralysis, Tom and his friend and teammate Tucker Mullin established TESF to address these critical needs.

Looking Forward

We believe in a progressive approach to improving the lives of those living with spinal cord injury and paralysis. An important element of our work is providing these individuals and families the emotion support and financial resources to help achieve their maximum mobility and best possible quality of life. These resources include but are not limited to: physical therapy, adaptive rehabilitation equipment, transportation, home modifications, and private nursing care.

With the March 2024 appointment of Sarah Merrefield as our inaugural Executive Director & COO, TESF is fully focused on expanding our reach, furthering our impact, and growing as an organization.

We invite you to stay connected to learn more about our work and to get involved by supporting our mission. Together, we can create a future with improved accessibility and inclusivity for all individuals living with SCI and paralysis.

With your help, the TESF will continue to be a leader in helping individuals that suffer from SCI and paralysis while also aiding the medical community in advancing innovation to one day, find a cure.

Our Theory of Change

Care continuum innovation

We provide necessary emotional and financial support to individuals and families affected by SCI and paralysis, helping them cover the significant out-of-pocket expenses incurred from living with SCI and paralysis.


groundbreaking research

Groundbreaking research

We invest in world class institutions that are doing groundbreaking research for innovative treatments, and to one day, find a cure for paralysis.



Community Engagement

We are committed to engaging with local and state decision makers with the vision of working together to create a world with greater accessibility and inclusivity for individuals living with SCI and paralysis. 



The Look-up Line

We invented the Look-Up Line, ice hockey’s first ever warning track, to be a revolutionary safety feature that reduces the risk of on-ice spinal cord injuries.