Book Thomas to Speak

Pivot to your Purpose.

Book Thomas to Speak.

Thomas Smith is a highly sought-after speaker. The power of Thomas’ story, combined with the actionable strategies he presents for overcoming adversity of all types, has resulted in Thomas being invited to speak for numerous corporations, professional and amateur sports teams, colleges and universities, hospitals, as well as public and private high schools around the country. The same energy, drive, and passion that enabled Thomas to beat paralysis three times energizes and inspires audiences at his speaking events. Those in attendance leave both inspired and better equipped to overcome their own challenges — whether in the workplace, sporting arena, classroom, or personal life. His ability to not only overcome adversity but reconfigure his obstacles as opportunities is truly awe inspiring. Thomas’ speaking engagements are designed with careful cognizance of the specific audience’s unique qualities and needs. What remains constant is his ability to be personal, vulnerable, and honest with audiences, and thus create an unforgettable and enlightening experience. Since his second accident, helping people overcome adversity has been and continues to be his purpose. Thomas is most fulfilled when speaking to audiences about his ongoing journey and describing the lessons he has learned in a manner that empowers people to overcome their own personal and professional adversity. He is available for:

  • Keynote Speaking
  • Motivational Speaking
  • Speaking on Overcoming Adversity
  • Speaking on Leadership and Controlling Your Own Destiny
  • Speaking on Turning Hardships into Opportunities
  • Speaking on Changing Cultures that are Resistant to Change
  • Speaking on the Power of Self Confidence to Achieve Success

To book Thomas to speak at your next event, please contact:
